Friday, December 28, 2012

New Years Prime Time Burnout

With the New Years fast approaching and the gyms sure to be a buzz with all those new years resolutions folk  Prime Time Athletic Training encourages you to incorporate our burnout into your weekly routine.  It is not for the faint of heart but we guarantee it will get you back into shape quicker than you ever imagined if you are dedicated to the cause so have it at it:

Frequency:  1x per week for 6 weeks

Body Part:  Full Body

Exercise:  Your favorite exercise for each body part

Sets:  1

Reps:  100 (Goal is to complete all in a row)

Rest:  Difference between reps completed and reps left (ex. 50 reps completed 50 second rest before attempting next 50)

Remember if your not training insane your remaining the same!

-Prime Time Prez

Friday, December 21, 2012

Todays Prime Time Workout

 As Many Rounds-
10 min.
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45# plate)
10 Snatch (95)
... 5 Burpees
Let us know what  you think or share your workout for the day.
-Prime Time Prez